Natural antidepressant and mood booster - Hempfy recharge water with Lithum&Terpenes

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Our natural water spring is from the North of Switzerland, 100% local and used from Roman time.

When supermineral - Lithium meets superplants - Cannabis  

Lithia water is defined as a type of mineral water characterized by the presence of lithium salts (as lithium carbonate or lithium chloride) is known from Romane time for positive health properties and mood-stabilizing effect. But not everybody could tolerate lithium water's strong metallic taste that obviously holds back consumers' popularity of lithium water. 

What we found in Hempfy, that lithium water smell problem could be perfectly masked by adding cannabis oil. By adding cannabis terpenes flavours to lithium water results not only in improved smell and refreshing taste, but also adds anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of the water. Perfect for sports, yoga, and longevity.

supermineral meet superplant cannabis lithium water

Mood Booster and Sport Water

Scientific studies show more and more that the naturally occurring trace element lithium is a real pick-me-up and can help against depression, dementia and multiple sclerosis, among other things. Even small amounts obviously have a positive effect.

1). Lithium, as Mood Booster: lithium increases metabolism of feel-good hormone serotonin and thereby raises the mood, improve memory performance increase cognitive focus and rise mental alertness. Also, Lithium supports the formation of the myelin layer around the nerve cells. Low-dose lithium can help many people significantly reduced risk of developing dementia, Parkinson's, biopolar disorders, ADHD, addiction, anxiety disorders, aggressiveness or depression. 

2). Cannabis terpenes for pain and headache: Medicinal properties of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids of Cannabis, and benefits in migraine, headache, and pain. Of cause, various genetic factors can predispose individuals to migraines. But recent medical studies suggest that terpenes from Cannabis have neuroinflammatory properties. Although the mechanism of action of many terpenes remains to be studied, the molecular targets of terpenes are highly desirable for finding target-specific anti-inflammatory drugs. 

3). Natural alkain water: 7.4 pH that is perfectly balanced with the human body made by nature. Help to sustain alkaline pH buffer system in human body.

4). Rich Electrolytes - high hydration: drinking water deficient in electrolytes creates weak bio-electric conductivity that may weaken the body and immune system.

5). Detox: your liver uses Sulfate to produce Phase II conjugation enzymes that may help purge harmful fat-soluble toxins from your body, reducing toxin overload.

Hempfy recharge water terpenes cannabis water

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